Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gatsby Aqua Silver

An update to show you the outcome of my hair. And I'll review the dye Gatsby Aqua Silver that I used (∩_∩)

I was plain stupid and only bought one package since I thought it was enough for my hair as it usually is. Though this was already for men, so I kinda wondered if they purposely would put less product in as most men have shorter hair.. So of course in the middle of dying I realized I did NOT have enough even though I desperately tried to squeeze out the last drop of product and convince myself that there was enough.. /fail
This is how the package looks like. My hair, as you might have seen from last post, was something between the middle orange and the yellow. And a very little part was white from previous bleaching, and according to the color chart, white would turn a bit violet. 
The dye changes color really fast after putting it into your hair. I left it for approximately 20-30 min as it said on the product and washed it out. No conditioner followed, but it didn't seem dry. I used my own color conditioner though.

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Pretty uneven!! But that was due to my own stupidity, so I don't blame the product XD It kinda changes color in different lightning. Sometimes it looks more greyish while it other times just turn plain LIGHT ASH BROWN like the picture to the right. Oh and you might have noticed the small streaks of violet in the right picture.. It's not THAT violet, but has a bit of violet reflexion, while it's actually just silver.. but in combination with the ash brown.. it just looks weird (。_゜)

But I'm not THAT sad at all! I like it better than the yellow, far more! I really like the color in some of the stripes where it's actually plain GREY. But just annoyed I didn't buy two packages.. However, somehow my old light ash brown extensions matches now haha! 
But I admit it's far from perfect.. And the worst part is, that the yellowness still shines through.. a lot.. which is why I bought THIS → SILVER SHAMPOO! please work
It won't arrive before next week though so I have to be patient..

Fun fact: I look more tanned now XD And if I don't look ganguro, I will definitely do after my one week beach vacation in Turkey in two weeks time ~(=^・・^)
I'm not giving up on EVEN grey hair though! But I'll wait till I go to Japan though, since it's easier and cheaper to get the product there ( ´∀`)

Ok that was it! Btw, your hair doesn't smell like DYED HAIR after using it like other hair dyes tend to do (●>v<●)


  1. Pretty pretty ~ Shimmy Shimmy ~ :DD

  2. Woah.. Despite it being a bit uneven, as you also wrote yourself, I must say that I think it looks AWESOME! I can't even decide which shade I like the most - the greyish is cool and different, but the light ash brown is really pretty, too.. So it looks like a success to me ♥ But I see your point, and I'll look forward to seeing it after your trip to Japan *.*

    Btw, you hair is awesome, in general. You must teach me a few tricks sometimes, I always just wear my hair down or in a simple braid.... yup, boring much.. T_T But I simply don't know how to work with it....

    And as a small reply to your comment at my latest blog entry: I can't wait to see you at Genki! ;W; I miss you too! Even though it's only friday, but hey - one day is absolutely much better than none! ^^//

  3. I think it looks nice :D But I hope you get it totally grey sometime...that would look... TOTALLY AWESOME 8D

  4. Looooooking goooood missy! *_____* <3
    Looking forward to seeing it IRL nom nom nom! I hope your silver shampoo will arrive soon! ^^v

  5. it loo gre8 on u~maybe im trying this color to^^
    btw~follow u^^
