Tuesday, December 21, 2010

White Christmas

Merry Christmas everyone! 
(I love the small gal emoticons )

Today's outfit:
Kinda more down to earth.. Of course I wore more layers when I went outside ( ・_・)ノ
I finally finished the worst exam yesterday. I don't have a good feeling about it, but at least I can forget it all for a short while. Anyway, a lot of things happened lately which kinda got me to celebrate Christmas alone. My parents went on a trip to Thailand and Vietnam as well, so I asked my friend Rose if I could join her even though I still think it's a bit strange to celebrate with non-family ^^' But better than celebrating alone of course!
Today I had a 'date' with Liv ^^ We went out shopping for the last Christmas presents (or actually it was only me). On the way we found the new awesome LEGO store XD
Liv trying to open her yoghurt-thingie while talking XD

Afterwards we went home to Liv's place and did some.. ugly nails XD Not really successful but still kinda fun. And then she began to brush off the polish in my face =_=' Damn you Liv! Kinda strange to use nail polish remover on your face and neck (。・_・。)

Tomorrow I'm going to watch the new Harry Potter with my friend Mew. It's her Christmas present for me..! And then I have to find the last, last presents as well.. A bit stressful to do it all the final days, but I haven't had time... I still feel kinda stressed out even though it's vacation now. I hope I'll realize soon so I can relax a bit >_<' I'm listening to a good deal of Kpop these days. I mean, I always listen to Kpop but, now I'm listening to songs repetitiously (*゚.゚) That's what get me through the day (*´ο`*)=3

And today's picture!

 Actimel drinking yoghurt add!


  1. Jeg er bare glad for du har nogen som du kan spørge om den slags <3
    ps, du er rigtig pæn og elsker Livs youghurts billede ;D

  2. HOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO. Kind of a shame that you got it off your neck. It could have been your permanent tatoo that would remind you of me ;)

  3. Ohh.. I hope your Christmas still will be good! (^^) <3

    Did you dye your hair again? =D well, it looks great!!
    I'm in a kpop craze aswell these days @__@ let's get together sooonz!
    And I like both you and Liv's outfit, so cute! =333
